A pilgrim blog about pilgrimage routes in Italy
(Franciscus / Cammino di Assisi & Antoniusweg)


Informative website about old pilgrim routes to Rome and Santiago de Compostela

Pilgrimage portal for Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Information portal about pilgrimages in Central Germany

Website of the Italian partner association “VIA ROMEA GERMANICA”.

The Jerusalem Way, together with the VIA ROMEA GERMANICA, forms a cross over whole of Europe. From north to south on the VIA ROMEA and from east to west on the Jerusalem Way. A special partnership.

Website of the Austrian partner association “Jerusalemweg”

We would like to thank Polyluchs Kreativagentur from Wernigerode for providing some images for the website. Anyone interested in the Harz region will find plenty of inspiration on the Harzfeeling website.